Siamese Algae Eaters

Freshwater fishes include Siamese algae eaters (SAEs), or Crossocheilus oblongus. They are part of the Cyprinidae Family. They are among the most efficient algae eaters. They are the most active fish in eating algae. They are constantly busy grazing algae on rocks, woods and glass surfaces, as well as filter pipes and other decorations. Because of their algal grazing habits, they can be called freshwater goats. Appearance Siamese Algae Eaters are known for their long, narrow cylindrical bodies. The upper side of the body is golden and has a paly brown tint. From the mouth to the tail, they have black stripes. These are covered with thick golden strips. It is not easy to identify the gender of Siamese Algae eater. Although they are nearly identical, females tend to be larger than males. This is the only difference between males & females. At the age of three to four years, their gender can be determined. In the early ...