With an exotic unica appearance, the Savannah cat recalls an authentic miniature leopard, true? But don't let that fool us, let's talk about a domestic cat that is perfectly suited for being in a house together. In addition, we talk exclusively about the active, sociable, and affectionate cat. However, we also talk about a very "exclusive" cat, because the Savannah cat is really highly-priced. Do you wonder if it's really worth paying for animal life, no matter how beautiful it is?


In this Animals & Pets Online tab, you'll explain everything about the Savannah cat, from its origins to its care. We will also mention some aspects related to its health and at the end of the publication, we will present you photos of the breed, don't miss it!


Origin of the savannah cat

These cats are native to the United States, the fruit of crossings between different domestic cat breeds with wild cats of Africa, which stand out for their large ears. These roots have caused great controversy as it has become known that these were being hybridized, as there are those who believe that they violate various principles and premises as they reproduce the phylum. The name of this cat is a tribute to the habitat of this wild cat, which is one of the African animals of the savannah. The first cross was created in the 80s and several generations later the Savannah cat breed was officially recognized by the International Cat Association (TICA) in 2012.


Its ownership in the United States is regulated by the state's Department of Agriculture, which establishes requirements and guidelines to follow with regards to adopting one of these cats as a pet. In states such as Hawaii, Georgia, or Massachusetts, the laws are more restrictive, with many more limitations in terms of having one of these hybrid flocks in the home. In Australia, import is banned, as it may be an invasive species that could affect the conservation of the local fauna.


Savannah cat character

Despite its wild appearance, which can make us think that savannahs are dangerous or arcane cats, we must know that they are really affectionate and sociable pets. bond of emotional attachment with their tutors and, properly socialized from puppies, these cats can live together wonder with children and other animals. In addition, there are many who try to teach these cats some trick or order of obedience, because they are extremely intelligent.


We also talk about a cat very active, so we must provide daily play sessions, especially those activities that help them develop the hunting sequence, so important for the species. mental stimulation, through toys that help them make them think, or the enrichment of the home will also be important pillars for the welfare of the savannah, a tireless cat.


Savannah cat care

These cats have one characteristic and that is that they love to swim and play with water, especially if we encourage this behavior as they are puppies, using positive reinforcement. Get in the shower, play with tap water or a garden hose. If we decide to bathe our cat, we will always use products specific to felines, never human use shampoo.


We should brush your fur frequently to remove excess hair and dirt that has accumulated. We can give you fatty acids like omega 3 to make your hair shiny, either in the middle of a diet like nutritional supplements, for example by giving salmon or other bluefish, also commercial feeds providing us with fatty steroids Will meet.


To keep your eyes healthy and clean, it is recommended to clean them regularly using a clean or ophthalmologist or the well-known bitter chamomile infusion, which our grandmothers already used as a remedy for eye conditions. remedy, so we will avoid conjunctivitis and other ocular discomforts. We will also participate in hearing cleansing through cleaners specially designed for it.


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