Migratory birds are the true travelers of the earth. They travel thousands of kilometers across oceans and continents. The Arctic Tern is the longest passenger in terms of distance covered. The most interesting feature of all migratory birds of India is that their journey is precisely mapped, and never misplaced. But how do they acquire this amazing ability? This is still a matter of study, and many opinions exist among scientists. Some believe that birds make use of the position of the sun and stars, the Earth's magnetism, climate, vegetation, etc.

Undoubtedly, migratory birds are good reference-indicators for understanding our weather and climate patterns. No wonder "birds have long been used as indicators of environmental and ecological changes on temporal and spatial scales."


The results of a recent survey on migratory birds are worrying. Studies have shown that the number of migratory birds of India coming to India has declined significantly. The reasons are probably attributed to pollution of water bodies and coastal habitat fragmentation. Wetlands are important habitats for a wide variety of animal species and unfortunately, these habitats are being destroyed at an alarming rate. There are twenty-five Ramsar designated sites in India (International Designation of Aquatic and Semi-Aquatic Habitats for their importance as waterfowl and migratory birds).


One of the main sites is Keoladeo National Park in Bharatpur Rajasthan. The importance of the site was hig

hlighted by the presence of large herds of Siberian cranes. However, anecdotal evidence suggests that he was last seen in the year 2003. There have been tremendous efforts by many societies and bird conservation foundations to bring back these breathtaking species, yet the presence in Indian water bodies remains sketchy or non-existent.


That's just one example; Birds are not only affected by habitat destruction and pollution alone. Here is another example; Rann of Kutch is an important place in Gujarat district where flamingos are seen every year. Its marshy landscape is a good breeding ground for flamingos. Sadly, only about 139 of this beautiful species were killed last year. This type of accidental death usually occurs when they attempt to travel by air at night so are often hit by overhead electrical wires or towers. These cables were recently pulled to illuminate the nearby villages. Electricity is essential and it cannot be spared. As a solution, officials are thinking of laying cables underground instead of overhead to avoid such tragedies in future.


Adversities like hunting, trapping birds on their migratory routes, pesticides and lack of their food sources are slowly but surely driving these migratory birds to local and regional extinction. If we fail to take proactive measures to help revive their numbers, to ensure that their ecologically appropriate landing and roosting sites are not disturbed by human disturbance, we may place these species on the Global Extinct List. can be added to.


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