Migratory birds are among the most ardent world travelers. They travel for miles across continents and oceans. In fact, the Arctic Tern is the longest passenger , in terms of distance traveled. One of the most intriguing aspects of all migrate birds of India is the fact that their route is precisely traced and they never lose track of their location. What is the process that allows them to acquire this remarkable capability? It is a subject of research, and a variety of opinions are held by scientists. There are some who believe that birds use the location of the stars and sun as well as the Earth's magnetic field, the climate, vegetation, etc.

Absolutely, migratory birds can be an excellent indicator of climate and weather patterns. This is why "birds have been long used as indicators of ecological and environmental shifts on spatial and temporal scales.

The results of a recently conducted survey of migratory birds is alarming. Research has shown that the amount of migrants birds of India that migrate to India has significantly decreased. The reason for this is likely due to the pollution of water bodies and the fragmentation of coastal habitats. Wetlands are crucial habitats for a variety of animals, and, unfortunately, they are becoming destroyed at a alarming rate. There are 25 Ramsar designated areas located in India (International designating of Semi-Aquatic and Aquatic Habitats to highlight their importance for waterfowl and migratory bird habitats).


One of the major places to visit that is worth mentioning Keoladeo National Park in Bharatpur Rajasthan. The significance of the site was confirmed by the presence of huge groups of Siberian cranes. But, evidence from anecdotes suggests that he disappeared in 2003. There have been huge efforts made by a variety of societies or bird conservancy foundations in order to reintroduce this magnificent species, but the extent of their presence of the species in Indian waters is elusive or even non-existent.


This is just one example. Birds aren't just affected by pollution and habitat destruction by themselves. Another example is here; Rann of Kutch is one of the most important places in Gujarat district where flamingos can be regularly seen. The marshy landscape of the area is an ideal breeding area for the flamingos. Unfortunately, just the 139 species were killed in the last year. The accidental fatality usually happens when they attempt to fly at night , so they are frequently attacked by overhead electrical wires or towers. The cables were pulled recently to light the villages around. Electricity is essential and must be protected. To address this issue, authorities are contemplating installing cables underground rather than overhead, to prevent such disasters in the future.


The effects of hunting, the trapping of birds along their migration routes, pesticides and the lack of food sources are gradually forcing these birds into local and regional extinct. If we don't adopt proactive measures to increase their numbers and assure that the ecologically sound places of landing and roosting aren't disturbed by human activities and disturbance, we could put this species onto the Global Extinct List. They could be added to.



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