5 Most Beautiful Migratory Birds Coming to India

 India is a winter home for most of the Siberian birds such as the Siberian Crane, Greater Flamingo, and Demoiselle Crane, which also have many species of birds from other regions of the world. These beautiful birds migrate to India every year during winter and summer for food, breeding, and nesting. Here is a list of the most beautiful migratory birds of India that visit India during the winter and summer seasons.

Siberian Cranes

Siberian storks are snow-white birds and migrate to India during winters. These cranes are omnivores and breed in the arctic tundra of Russia and Siberia.

The Siberian Crane or Snow Crane, a critically endangered species of migratory bird, was wintered in Bharatpur Keoladeo National Park until 2002.

Amur Falcon

Amur falcons are small raptors that breed in Siberia and migrate to southern Africa. During migration in large herds in North East India and the Arabian Sea, they feed around Doyang Lake in Nagaland in the evening or early morning during the winter season. Amur falcons were killed in Nagaland during migration, but due to conservation in India, raptors are now a protected species and a successful campaign was launched to prevent their killing.

Greater Flamingo

The Greater Flamingo is the largest of all species in the flamingo family, found in the Indian subcontinent. Migratory birds are found throughout the winter season at Nal Sarovar Bird Sanctuary, Khijadia Bird Sanctuary, parts of Flamingo City and Thol Bird Sanctuary in Gujarat.

Greater Flamingo and Lesser Flamingo are some of the most beautiful migratory birds found in India, Sewri Mudflats, Bhigwan Bird Sanctuary, Chilka Lake and Jawai Dam Sanctuary are some of the best places to see Flamingo in India.

Demoiselle Crane

Demoiselle cranes are migratory birds and winter in the Indian subcontinent. These stocks are the smallest species of cranes that live in different environments including the desert areas of Rajasthan. Khichan village of Rajasthan is known for a large number of Demoiselle cranes where local people feed the birds, Last year 15000 Demoiselle cranes visited the village.


The blue throttle is a small brightly colored passerine bird native to the thrush family and wintering in North Africa and the Indian subcontinent. Keoladeo National Park of Bharatpur in Rajasthan is one of the best places to see migratory birds visiting India during the winter season.

For more information visit our website Creature Companion.


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