About Rottweiler Puppy
As Hercules, the legendary Greek hero Hercules the Rottweiler Puppy is robust and true with a heart of love. Popularly referred to as Rotties and Rotts this breed is a result of its origins in Germany in the 19th century, where it was used to push horses and carts for farmers as well as butchers. This heritage is evident in the large chest of the Rottie and muscular physique. When he is moving in a way, he shows the strength and endurance, however when you look at his eyes, you will notice warm, dark-brown pools that reflect an ethereal sensitive, sharp, and frightened expression. The well-bred Rottweiler breed is confident and calm. He is usually aloof to strangers, but he's never frightened or frightened. Rottweilers have a "wait-and-see" attitude when confronted by new situations and people. When these qualities are in sync in the right way be, it is clear that the Rottweiler is a naturally protector dog, with a ...