Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

 The majority of canines are great and loving pets, even those considered to be a risky dog breed. However, if pet owners fail to make the effort to educate and control their dogs, they could cause serious injuries and even death to uninitiated pedestrians or children. A large dog could slash an innocent child in a matter of minutes. A small animal could cause permanent disfigurement or scarring. If it is not treated or not properly treated dog bites could develop infections, leading to sepsis.

It is essential to realize that the dog with the highest risk is one that has been pet that is neglected or not loved. However, certain breeds of dogs are thought to be slightly more dangerous than other breeds. If you own one of these breeds but not adequately training the pet could expose the owner to increased liability should their dog bite or cause injury to another.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds

·       Pitt Bulls -Pitt Bulls area pet with a bad name and have a good reason for it. Although they can be amazing pets, they require training to manage their aggressive behaviour. If they are not controlled the dogs could cause severe harm. As of 2015 Pitt Bulls caused 82 percent out of the total U.S. dog-bite related fatalities even though they represent 6.6 percent of the overall dogs in the country.

·       Rottweilers - Rottweilers Like Pitt Bulls, Rottweilers are also extremely agresive. As of 2015, the breed was among the second-most lethal dog breed. Alongside Pitt Bulls, these two breeds were responsible for 91% of all dog bite deaths across the U.S.

·       German Shepherd - These dogs are excellent guard dogs due to their extreme loyalty and aggression toward strangers. If they're not properly trained their bites could cause fatal injuries. They are able to attack small children in a matter of minutes if they are provoked.

·       Doberman Pinscher - Doberman Pinschers are extremely intelligent dogs , but the majority of their fatal bites happen when they protect their owners, or think that they're responsible for their owner's safety. Doberman Pinscher fatalities spiked in the 1970s.

·       Bullmastiff - Bullmastiff These dogs can weigh up to 130 pounds and , if they are confronted, will use their body weight and huge teeth to cause an unfathomable wound in only moments. Because of this, a large number of these breeds are bred to guard dogs.

·       Husky - Husky These gorgeous dogs can appear cute, but they're generally not very social, unless they're trained to be. Between 1979 to 1998 Siberian Huskies were the cause for the deaths of 15 people.

·       Malamute - Malamute These can be seen pulling sleds. They possess a strong prey drive, and they can be able to track and kill swiftly. They tend to be aggressive towards other dogs. This can result in injuries to the dog's owner or to a child close by. In the years since CDC began reporting injuries from dog bites, Malamutes have been responsible for at twelve deaths.

·       Chow - These Teddy bears were created in Mongolia and have been found for their aggressive nature.

·       St Bernard - These dogs can weigh as much as 250 pounds, and their bites could be fatal due to their dimensions and mass. They are responsible for at least four deaths, however, they have also caused numerous injuries. Since 1980, the dogs have been the cause of at least seven deaths.

·       Great Dane - Most of these breeds are gentle giants, particularly when they are trained and taught for socialization. If they are not properly trained, they can become hostile towards their owners, or even on strangers. Since 1980 Great Danes have been responsible for at least seven deaths. Most of these deaths occurred in 1980.

Click to know more about Dog Breed, visit our website Creature Companion.



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