Siamese algae eaters information


While searching for fish to add to your tank, you can some of the time become mixed up in the quantity of freshwater assortments there are, yet different times you're searching for a fish to fill a specific job.

Siamese algae eaters fill a specific job, they're ideal for somebody searching for a fish that will assist with cleaning up their tank by clearing green growth.

They're dynamic and social animals that will in all actuality do well in both huge gatherings, and when kept alone. At taking care of time they're simple and will eat anything put in their tank.

Since they're tranquil, these fish are great for amateurs to add to their local area aquarium. One thing to pay special attention to is the Siamese flying fox which looks practically indistinguishable from the green growth eaters and accordingly, they are regularly confounded.

Siamese algae eaters, or Crossocheilus oblongus, are freshwater fish from the Cyprinidae family. This family contains carp as well, which are firmly related.

They began from Southeast Asia, including Thailand and Malaysia, yet presently they're reproduced across the world for the aquarium exchange. The explanation they've become so famous is that they're one of the most amazing green growth eaters accessible. They move around a great deal, so they cover the entire tank rapidly.

While the development assists with the green growth, it keeps your tank dynamic and fascinating as well. Bunches of other green growth eaters don't move similar as (nerite snails).

Most pet stores sell them on account of their prominence, so they're not difficult to track down. They're modest as well, at around $3-$5 per fish.

These fish are extraordinary for amateurs, they make the occupation of keeping the tank clean a lot simpler and their way of behaving is probably not going to be an issue. That being said, Siamese green growth eaters produce squander very much like some other fish. Overloading can make your tank more chaotic instead of more clean.


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