What is a Cichlid fish?


Cichlid fish, any of in excess of 1,300 types of fishes of the family Cichlidae (request Perciformes), a considerable lot of which are famous aquarium fishes. Cichlids are essentially freshwater fishes and are found in tropical America, central area Africa and Madagascar, and southern Asia. Most of species are African, showing up in extraordinary variety in the significant African lakes.

Cichlids are somewhat profound bodied and have one nostril (as opposed to the standard two) on each side of the head. The horizontal line is broken, and there are at least three butt-centric spines. They by and large have adjusted tails and, however sizable for aquarium fishes, typically don't develop longer than around 30 cm (12 inches). In numerous species, the back edges of the dorsal and butt-centric balances are pointed and the pelvic balances are stretched.

Contingent upon the species, cichlids range from veggie lover to predatory. They are noted for their mind boggling mating and rearing way of behaving. This typically includes romance and readiness, support, and safeguard of the home and insurance of the new youthful. In specific species, notwithstanding, known as mouthbreeders, the eggs are not put in a home yet are conveyed in the mouth of the parent until brought forth. This mouthbreeding conduct is normal to numerous types of the variety Tilapia and furthermore to specific other Old World genera.

Among the better known about the numerous famous aquarium cichlids are the firemouth (Cichlasoma meeki), a fish with radiant red in its mouth and on its throat and chest; the Jack Dempsey (C. biocellatum), a fairly enormous dim fish spotted with blue-green; the oscar (Astronotus ocellatus), an alluring fish with an orange-ringed dark spot on its tail base; and the disk (Symphysodon plate), an exceptionally profound bodied fish streaked with blue. Another famous aquarium fish of this gathering is the angelfish, or scalare (Pterophyllum). An eminent cichlid is Tilapia mossambica, a productive African animal types that is currently developed in numerous districts as a wellspring of food.


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