Types of Cory Catfish and Fish Feed


Cory catfish is a number one to the people who love pet fish. They are agreeable and effectively kept up with. Get to know the sort of and how to take care of cory catfish.

5 Types of Cory Catfish

1. Bronze cory catfish (Corydoras aeneus).

This kind of cory catfish can be either bronze (clearly) or green. They can develop up to more than two to three inches (7.5 centimeters). Something else that influences their development is the size of the aquarium. The greater it is, the more extended their bodies can develop.

       2. Panda cory catfish (Corydoras panda).

With pale bodies, panda cory catfish have dark patches on, particularly around their eyes. Panda cory catfish is additionally frequently confused with Corydoras metae.

Panda cory catfish are likewise vivacious. You want an adequately large tank, so they can wander around openly. A tank of 20 - 30 gallons of water is the most secure wagered.

       3. Julii cory catfish (Corydoras julii).

The spots on their bodies will help you to remember those on panthers. Julii cory catfish can grow up to between 2 - 5 centimeter long. To keep them cheerful and dynamic, put them in a medium-sized tank.


       4. Misleading julii corycatfish (Corydoras trilineatus).

This kind of cory catfish is much of the time mixed up as the genuine julii cory catfish. The thing that matters is that they have more widepsread spots.

        5. Dwarf cory catfish (Corydoras pygmaeus).

This kind of cory catfish is the littlest of every one of the five. They can grow up to 2.5 centimeters, so a 10-gallon-of-water tank is enough for them. Albeit most are normally bottom feeders, you can see some of them float in mid-water layer.

To keep them blissful, put something like 8 fish in a tank. Never put greater, more forceful tankmates with them.

Food varieties for Cory Catfish

Sinking pellet food varieties, green growth wafers, and dried shrimp are the most ideal choices to take care of cory catfish. They are omnivores, so feed them little pieces of zucchini here and there.

Feed cory catfish routinely, however not to an extreme. When daily is sufficient, contingent upon how hungry they are.


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