Siamese Algae Eater native habitat, distribution, behavior & aquarium compatibility


Local to the numerous feeders, streams and seepage trenches of Southeast Asia, the Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus siamensis) is a tutoring types of suckermouth catfish. They are found living among the thick vegetation along the banks and bottoms of the many streams and seepage trenches of the tropical areas of Southeast Asia. Ages spent living in a climate of thick oceanic vegetation has made the Siamese Algae Eater an expert at eating algae from every possible kind of plant leaves, stalks and stems, which thus has charmed them with the people who keep planted aquariums the world over.

Frequently alluded to as the "cordial" algae eater, the Siamese Algae Eater (Crossocheilus siamensis) has significantly more taking the plunge than basically being more serene than the more generally accessible and comparative in appearance Flying Fox (Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus) and the Chinese Algae Eater (Gyrinocheilos aymonieri). It is because of the likenesses in appearance between these species, that specialists will frequently allude to the Siamese Algae Eater as the True Siamese Algae Eater to all the more obviously recognize it from the more normal Flying Fox and Chinese Algae Eater, who are in many cases mislabeled as a Siamese Algae Eater.

Albeit Siamese Algae Eaters are somewhat more uncommon than their Chinese cousins, they are promptly accessible inside the leisure activity and do perfect in serene established local area aquariums. Their quiet personality and viability at eating a wide assortment of algae types has charmed this species with established aquarium specialists the world over. As a matter of fact the Siamese Algae Eater is one of only a handful of exceptional types of suckermouth catfish that is known to benefit from Black Brush or Black Beard algae reliably.

The most effective method to effectively keep Siamese Algae Eater in the home aquarium

The Siamese Algae Eater, albeit dull and not vividly appealing, can be a significant resource while managing different types of algae and is additionally an intriuging tutoring fish, ideal for local area arrangements. Their ideal tank arrangement would imitate their southeast Asian streams; nonetheless, they will likewise well in established tanks and general bigger local area aquariums. Just like with most species beginning from streams and waterways, they need extra water stream through a power head or canister return and a lot of broken down oxygen.

In their local stream territories they are acquainted with perfect, streaming water and a lot of space for schools of people to swim about. They favor aquarium arrangements that have essentially moderate water stream and a lot of plants and rock on which they can brush for algae and sufficient size to oblige no less than 6 completely mature examples. In a perfect world this animal varieties ought to be kept in a 4 foot long, 55 gallon or bigger aquarium which will give sufficient swimming space to a gathering of at least 6 6 inch grown-up True SAEs.

At the point when kept in little gatherings the Siamese Algae Eater is extremely serene towards tank mates and will for the most part school about the aquarium benefiting from algae with its mates. Nonetheless, in the event that not kept in a little gathering or school they will quite often carry on like Barbs who are not kept in gatherings and nip at other fish. This happens on the grounds that they are accustomed to living in a gathering and the fish inside the gathering will convey their situation to others in the gathering by marginally contacting or nipping each other as they move about the aquarium. Fish who aren't acclimated with living in schools will view this way of behaving as distressing.

Legitimate tank mates shift from local area fish species like Tetra, Barbs, Corydoras, Gouramis, Loaches, Rasboras, Rainbowfish and serene Cichlid species. The key is keeping a little gathering of Siamese Algae Eaters and keeping them with fish who are not enormous or forceful enough to consider them to be food. They make an amazing commendation to most local area aquarium arrangements as they control algae development and swim in appealing looking schools.

The most effective method to appropriately take care of Siamese Algae Eater and give a solid eating routine

It is notable inside the aquarium side interest that the True Siamese Algae Eater is a productive customer of algae, including a few types of algae like Black Beard Algae that numerous other algae eaters will not consume. Algae will most frequently make up the majority of this species diet, likely stirring up a lot of euphoria for specialists hoping to control algae development inside their tanks. Nonetheless, on the off chance that there is a deficiency of algae in the aquarium the True SAE will readily devour a wide assortment of business food varieties including drops, freeze-dried worms and shrimp, algae wafers and even vegetables like zucchini or green beans.

Recognizing a True Siamese Algae Eater (SAE)

In spite of having a few particular contrasts in body shape, shading and example, the Siamese Algae Eater is constantly mislabeled as a Chinese Algae Eater (Gyrinocheilos aymonieri) or a Flying Fox (Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus).

Lets start with the simple one first, the Chinese Algae has a few exceptionally particular contrasts among itself and the genuine Siamese Algae Eater (SAE). These distinctions include: a lot bigger, thicker and longer body; bigger and more down turned suckermouth; rounder and thicker head; dim earthy colored tinge and brown spotted design on the highest point of their body and finally an earthy colored sidelong stripe rather than the bright dark stripe of the SAE.

Presently for the seriously difficult aspect, recognizing a True Siamese Algae Eater from the False Siamensis and Flying Fox fish. The most clear contrast between them is the level dark stripe running the length of the body. Both the False Siamensis and Flying Fox have a sharp, smooth dark stripe finished off with a gold stripe. The True Siamese Algae Eater has a horizontal stripe that has battered edges between the dark stripe and the gold body tinge. Also, the Flying Fox has red and dark on its finnage, which turns out to be extremely articulated as they become grown-ups.

One more qualification between the SAE and the False SAE and Flying Fox is the quantity of sets of free weights on the mouth of the fish. Genuine Siamese Algae Eaters have a solitary sets of free weights (bristles) by their mouth; where as, False Siamensis and Flying Fox have two sets of hand weights. While this distinction can be more hard to see on little fish shooting about in an aquarium, it can authoritatively distinguish which species it is.

Ultimately, the way of behaving of the fish can assist with recognizing their actual character. Genuine Siamese Algae Eaters are a tutoring animal groups who will remain along with others of their own sort, both swimming and taking care of in little gatherings of people. While both the False Siamensis and Flying Fox are singular species who will endeavor to guarantee a domain and forestall other suckermouth catfish from entering by pursuing off any of their own or comparative types of fish.


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