Siamese Algae Eaters

 Siamese Algae Eaters (SAEs) or Crossocheilus oblongus are freshwater fishes. They have a place with Cyprinidae family. SAEs are one of the most amazing green growth eaters. They are quite possibly of the most dynamic fish in consuming green growth. The entire time, they are in the middle of brushing green growth over rocks, woods, glass surface, channel pipes, and different beautifications. They can be alluded to as freshwater goats because of their green growth brushing propensities.

Siamese Algae Eaters


Siamese Green growth Eaters have a long tight round and hollow body. Upper side of the body has some paly brown and brilliant color. They have dark strips from mouth to tail. These strips are covered by thick brilliant strips.

Recognizing the orientation of Siamese Green growth Eater is troublesome. They are practically indistinguishable, yet females are enormous in size in contrast with guys. This is the main noticeable distinction among guys and females. Their orientation can be recognized at the age of 3-4 years. Distinguishing their orientation in beginning phases of life is undeniably challenging.

Taking care of Propensities and Conduct

Siamese Green growth Eaters are omnivores and effectively acknowledge drop food varieties and pellet food sources in aquarium. Despite the fact that their principal diet ought to be vegetable based, they like planted aquariums with loads of plants. Without any green growth and food, they can likewise snack fragile plant leaves and greeneries. In this way, give them good food without green growth. Their body shape permits them to enter in the vast majority of the aquarium parts looking for green growth.

They are quiet and social animals. They search the spots of green growth in gatherings and touch together with next to no battle for food. They sit on the spot and afterward brush the green growth. The majority of the times, they stay close to the base surface of beautifications. Any sharp enhancements or rocks might harm their barbels.

Water Quality

Siamese Green growth Eaters have a place with quick streams and waterways of South Asia. Water of these streams is acidic with high satisfied of oxygen. These waterways have heaps of rocks, rock, and tree signs in the base, which give them green growth.

Tank Arrangement

Siamese Green growth Eaters can be kept in 100 liter aquarium with bunches of plants and concealing spots. Fake caverns can be made to shape such concealing spots for them. Soil or substrate ought to be fine and smooth. Sharp embellishments and things ought to be avoided SAE arrangements. They like moderate lighting. The ideal scope of pH is 6.5 to 7.5. Temperature going 23 degree Celsius to 27 degree Celsius is great. Water stream ought to be moderate to high according to their normal territory. These days SAEs in the leisure activity are from fish ranches. They can take on an assortment of water conditions. They like acidic and oxygenated water. Adding a few driftwoods in aquarium is useful for making water acidic. Water stream additionally assumes a significant part in cleaning and oxygenating water.

They are quiet commonly so don't keep them with forceful and exceptionally enormous measured fishes. SAEs are known to nipping the balances of long-finned fishes, for example, betta fish or gold fish. Continuously remember prior to lodging them with these fishes. Bottom feeder fishes like Rainbow Sharks and Red tail sharks are earthbound. Keeping them with these sharks isn't prudent. A large portion of the cichlids are regional fishes. They can pester any gatecrashers in their region. It is fitting, not to keep Siamese Green growth Eaters with Cichlids. It is ideal to keep them just with serene fishes. Any enormous measured fish can bother them till death. The best tank mates for SAEs are little quiet fishes like tetras, danios, rasboras and so on.

Dealing with Siamese Green growth Eaters

Keeping SAEs is certainly not a troublesome errand. They are not difficult to keep and keep up with. They have no particular prerequisites. A few significant focuses to recollect while keeping SAEs are as following:

1-Water ought to be spotless with moderate to high stream. Clean channel time to time. They can live joyfully in an extensive variety of water boundaries. 2-2-Keep them in poison free water. The parasite of illness White Spot (Ichthyophthirius multifiliis) can without much of a stretch taint them.

3-Keep them with smooth substrate. Sharp substrate and enhancing materials can prompt cuts and scars. These scars and slices can prompt many sorts of contaminations.

4-Give them loads of concealing spots. Counterfeit caverns or coconut shells can be utilized to shape such concealing spots for them.


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