Health Tips for Dog care During Summers | Creature-Companions

The soaring summer temperature is unbearable for humans, and our pets are no exception. Like us, our pets can also experience heat exhaustion which can put their lives at risk.

As a pet parent, one needs to be observant of the signs and symptoms in our four-legged friends to treat them in time. It is also essential to take precautions to avoid severe conditions. Dog Care

Dog Care

Avoid Hot Pavement- Put your hand on the pavement for a few seconds. If it is too hot to keep your hand on, it’s too hot for your pup to walk on. 

Keep Your Dog Hydrated: Dog care can get dehydrated quickly, so ensure they always have access to fresh, clean water. 

Avoid Hot Cars- Never leave your dog in a parked car, even for a few minutes. The temperature inside a car can rise to dangerous levels very quickly. 

Protect Their Paws- Hot pavement can burn your dog’s paws, so try to walk them on grass whenever possible. If you must walk on pavement, consider using paw protectors. 

Watch for Signs of Heat Stroke-Excessive panting, drooling, lethargy, and vomiting are all signs that your dog may suffer from heat stroke. If you see any of these signs, move your dog to a cool place and contact your veterinarian immediately.

As responsible pet parents and humans, we must remember that our community animals suffer from extreme heat and rising temperatures.

A simple act of placing water bowls in and around your house will go a long way in helping them. Always drink fresh water and refill them at least once a day.

Even after taking all the preventive measures, in case your pet loses consciousness or shows severe signs of illness like vomiting, seizing, etc., it is recommended to take your pet to the vet for treatment immediately.

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