Gorgeous Felines Meet The Breed - Creature Companions

Due to its folded ears, which give the cat an owl-like appearance, this Cat Breed is sometimes known as an owl in a catsuit. The Scottish Fold cat is a kind, peaceful, and loving creature distinguished by its unusual ears, which have one or more folds.

Its weights range from 6 to 13 pounds, with an average lifespan of 15 years. It adores spending time with family and kids. A shepherd called William Ross made the initial discovery of the Scottish Fold in Scotland in 1961.

cat breed

She had the face of a cute tiny owl. In collaboration with the geneticist Pat Turner, he began raising Scottish Fold kittens.42 of the first 76 kittens had folded ears at birth, whereas the remaining 54 did not. Most Scottish Fold kittens are born if one parent inherits the gene for folded ears. They can be born with straight ears but later develop folds. Scottish Folds have huge eyes and an unflexible, kinked tail. 

They have very long or short hair on their short, thick coats. These cats come in various hues and may be recognized trecognizrecognizeded recognized traveling travelin by their pointed noses, well-rounded faces, and bodies.

The intelligent Scottish Fold can easily fit in with new people and situations. They enjoy being with people. These cats prefer to lay flat on their backs next to their owner.

Scottish Folds are calm and patient dogs who adore curling up on their owners' laps. They enjoy the company of kids and other pets and flourish in big, busy homes. 

They are excellent traveling companions because of their high adaptability. These cats have a natural gift for charm and adore spending time with their owners. However, they aren't extremely picky and don't mind being referred to as couch potatoes. 

To keep your longhaired Scottish Fold looking lively and healthy, you should comb his coat at least three to four times every week. These cats need regular grooming since they frequently accumulate ear wax, which needs to be removed twice a month.

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